Friday, March 30, 2007

McKinsey disappointment

I have to say not making it to the second round of the McKinsey recruiting process is disappointing to me too but it seems like that y'all are more upset that I was dropped. So thanks for the concerns and my sincere apologies to those who have been hurt. from the moment the news have been out yesterday I have been confronted with acquaintances and even friend who have not only expressed their shock but also sometimes berated me for getting dropped off. Either everybody really wanted me to work at McKinsey or we all were waiting angry at me for something else, waiting for the opportune moment. I have to say I was not as disappointed in the beginning at getting dropped off (..the whole life is an arbitrary set of events thing) but now with so many people reminding me the disappointment is really starting to sink in. So much so that I have to express my thoughts publicly here in hopes that we would move on and find me even a better place to work.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Becoming part of Web 2.0?

I guess this is more of an attempt to consolidate my online identities and ramblings. It is also about time that I got with the web 2.0 crowd. This blog had been on my to-do list since the fall of 2005 and I had been putting it off my MBA and consulting work to procrastinate. I can not put it off any longer since I have to start looking for a full time job as I graduate from LUMS with a MBA degree. So thank my potential employers for making me do this. I will try to put a lot of my writings and publications here during the next few weeks. Please feel free to point out if I have missed anything.